Just like photography, life is all about perspective. Nothing focusses or alters that perspective quite like an illness.
As most of you know, these last few months I have been living through treatment for Skin Cancer. A couple of surgeries, followed by a stint of radiation has been an eye-opening experience. Especially with a young family to consider. You can't help but have your perspective altered. You still think about your future, but in a different light.
A 'what if' light...
What if I'm not here for them? What if I am here for them, but too sick to work? The mind goes to some strange places during these moments. Well, after what felt like a very long wait, I finally have some news regarding my treatment. For now, things are looking good!! My biopsy result was very positive. After nearly 5 months of uncertainty, I can start to shift my perspective back to life & living it.
Photography has been a mixed bag for me throughout this period of my life. As I have touched on previously, once it was something that bought me a great deal of satisfaction and calm, deserted me for a while. With the help of some wonderful friends, this passion has come back, in some ways the same but in a few ways quite different.
Anyone with young children will be able to tell you just how difficult it can sometimes be to focus and be creative when they are around. Constant talking and a million questions make even the basics of photography a challenge! Many of the locations I explore aren't all that child friendly either. Cliffs and jagged rocks tend to be a great place for kids to hurt themselves. Hard to get creative when you have one eye on the little ones.
Before this health scare, I would almost always head out for an adventure on my own for photography. Pack the tent, the camera bag and hit the road. Listen to my playlist and get myself into that 'creative zone'. This was my happy place. Yes, there were times I would head out with other photographers which was always enjoyable, but on my own seemed to take me to a whole other place creatively.
So that perspective thing I was talking about? It has shifted in quite a remarkable way where photography is concerned. A friend of mine, who really encouraged me to get out and start taking photos again has been joining me recently for a few day trips. Our kids have joined us on these day trips. Surely, I won't be able to take too many decent photos on these trips was my first thought. But how wrong I was. Not only have I been able to capture some images that I am really happy with, but I've also been able to achieve this while enjoying the company of my children and friends. Seeing them out in the wild, exploring new places and trying new things has made the entire process even more enjoyable, more holistic. Sure, there have been a few minor injuries, but that's life as a kid.

'Stand by Me' - Canon EOS R + Canon 300mm f4L
This change of perspective feels like that moment when you take a giant deep breath in during the cool morning air. Rejuvenating. Rather than having to wait for those moments when I can get away on my own to get creative, I feel like I can share that experience now. Many times, over the journey I've found myself frustrated at not being able to get away with life seemingly always getting in the way.
No doubt, a feeling experienced by many photographers.
Having my creativity disappear during my treatment felt like something that would take a long time to recover. What I didn't anticipate was to come out the other side feeling so differently about sharing these photography trips with my children and friends who are not into photography. These photography trips have changed, no longer about just being creative, rather about just being. Enjoying and living in the moment. Is it possible that this change has actually helped improve my photography? Feeling the moment and then capturing it rather than 'searching' for it. I think perhaps it has.
I really feel like things happen for a reason, and while no-one wants to get sick or having to consider the thought of your own mortality, these things have turned out giving me a new perspective on photography that I would otherwise still be blind to.
There is a quote that feels like the right fit for this next stage of things to come....
"I've decided I'm going to live this life for some time to come. The freedom and simple beauty is just too good to pass up. Happiness is only real, when shared".
Christopher McCandless
Whilst I certainly believe that happiness is still very real and achievable on your own, I've learnt that sharing those experiences can be enriching and open up new creative possibilities that haven't previously been considered...
Here are a few images captured recently on day trips out with the kids. Days out exploring in the Adelaide Hills and surrounds, never waiting for the 'perfect' light but simply enjoying the moment, together.

'Ferntree Bridge' - Canon EOS R + Canon 16-35 f4L

'Stand By Me' (Released Version) - Canon EOS R + Canon 300mm f4L

'Autumn Glow' - Canon EOS R + Canon 16-35 f4L (Can you spot the Kangaroo?)

'Step Forward' - Canon EOS R + Canon 16-35 f4L
Thanks for taking a read and supporting my photography, as always, very much appreciated.
So happy for you that your news is positive. You are quite correct in that health issues, either your own or that of your partner, can certainly change the way you see things. Keep seeing the world around you through those lovely eyes Keith, and please keep sharing your gorgeous images! Cheers, Cathy
I’m so glad you’re on the mend with positive news. Health can be the pits sometimes. really love these images mate. Only good to come, keep pushing that shutter button :)