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"How to Reflect and Refocus: Navigating the Year So Far"

Writer's picture: Keith BroadbridgeKeith Broadbridge

Starting a blog has been something I've long considered. I guess the usual suspects have always prevented me getting started. I don't have the time, who will be interested in reading what I have to say?, and even what would I have to say?

Well, 2024 has dealt some interesting cards so far, so I figured there's no better time than right now to share my year so far with you all.

Looking back, 2023 was an amazing year for my little photography venture. I finally took the leap of faith and went professional, leaving my cozy full-time job to turn my side-hustle and passion into my main source of income. It was a difficult and risky decision to make with a young family to support. We'd just emerged from the Covid-19 nightmare which decimated the photography industry. Print sales went through the roof during the pandemic, which was a bit of a Trojan Horse because it was unsustainable. Many people, stuck at home and unable to travel turned to redecorating, keeping artists busy fulfilling orders. I was fortunate to enjoy many healthy months of artwork sales, both through my website and with the amazing team at Creative Soul Prints. This, in part gave me the confidence to take on this business on a full-time basis.

With Covid-19 now seemingly in the rear-view mirror, it was time to focus on how to make this business work. Artwork sales on their own was a risky business model, the economy has slowed significantly over the last 12 months with back-to-back interest rate rises putting pressure on people's wallets. Art sales have felt the brunt of people tightening their discretionary spending, thankfully I seen this coming with my trusty crystal ball.

Teaching and sharing information with people have always been something I have enjoyed. I am constantly humbled and surprised by the level of support and attendance I have received with my Photography Workshops. It has been such a pleasure to see repeat clients build & develop their skills and have new clients regularly booking into sessions. Workshops it seems, will be here to stay!

Corporate photography, family portraits, architecture and product photography also remain a vital part of my business structure. The NDIS has been an important addition to my business model also. Working with clients living with disability to improve their photography has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. Last year I was fortunate enough to hold a couple of market stalls with local photographer, Ross Hood. To see Ross sell his artwork to customers face to face, and the joy on his face is something I will remember forever. Not only has Ross been able to improve his photography, but he is also now able to produce and sell his own prints which is an amazing result for him.

Ross Hood & Myself and the 'Markets at the Mill'

So, with things seemingly heading in the right direction, it came as a bit of a shock in December 2023 to be faced with a skin cancer diagnosis. This wasn't part of the plan!! Surgery in December was unsuccessful in removing all of the affected area and after an infection and some frustrating delays it was back to surgery in January to fix up this little inconvenience. Unfortunately, this little inconvenience had other ideas, with the second surgery also not removing all of the desired area. It was off to oncology for Radiotherapy.

It was at this point I started wondering what the hell was going on! Here I am, self-employed with two young children and a fledgling small business about to embark on weeks of radiotherapy treatment. Oh, did I mention that we also had to move house at the same time!!

As you can imagine, photography took a back seat for me, for the first time since I picked up a camera a few years ago. Photography has been such an outlet for me both physically and emotionally. I felt very vulnerable now that it had seemingly lost all relevance for me. Travelling around our beautiful state, or even capturing the local coastline have been such enjoyable experiences for me, providing comfort and purpose when I needed it, but with the effects of Radiotherapy kicking in, I had absolutely no interest in even picking up my camera. This was a huge concern; this was my job now!

I am very fortunate to have so many wonderful people to support me through this journey. It's amazing when you are facing something like Cancer, the support and inspiration to get back to yourself often come from the most unexpected places. I remember late in my treatment, sitting and looking out the window at the SAHMRI building. It's become a very divisive building, some love it, some do not! Personally, I think it's a work of art. It's blend of gentle curves, straight lines & symmetrical patterns make it an amazing subject for photography.

With no desire to be artistic, or photograph anything, I thought to myself; 'Let's take one thing from this experience, just capture something'. So, I packed my Canon EOS R the next day and forced myself back behind the lens. I took a few frames, nothing. No excitement, no butterflies or 'oh yes' moments. It was a bright, harsh morning and not really ideal for photography. I am probably wasting my time I thought, put your camera away and go back to feeling ordinary about everything. At almost the exact same time, I noticed something that caught my eye! Some leading lines and shadows, I wondered, would that make a powerful black & white? It sure did.

The SAHMRI Building - from the RAH

This image will always remain important to me, it's one of my favorites so far! But its more than that, this image represents a time in my life when photography was genuinely able to help pull me out of the darkness. Its appropriately titled "From Shadows to Light". It will always remain a deeply personal image for me.

It hasn't been all bad this year! I've enjoyed guest speaker roles with camera clubs, continued with workshops and after a difficult period, found my creative mojo again. I certainly credit this one image, and some encouragement from friends with helping me refocus on my love for photography. In the weeks since finishing treatment I am starting to feel more and more like myself again. The yucky feelings and tiredness that accompanied this period of time are starting to fade, replaced with feelings of excitement and exploration which have been sadly missing.

It's not easy talking about these periods in my life, but at the same time, photography has helped me come out the other side. Even after it felt at times that my passion was gone, never to return. For those of you out there who are passionate about photography, or anything really, I guess the message is this. The things that we are passionate about can and will at times desert us. But if they bring you joy when things are going well, give them an opportunity to do the same when things seem tough. It may not feel like it did before, at least at first but you'll be amazed at the difference it makes when that little fire inside is relit...

If you've got this far, thank you! I have enjoyed putting this first blog together and sharing my feelings and experiences with you all. I will be creating a new blog each fortnight so check back here to follow my thoughts on all things photography. I'll leave you with a couple of my favorite images, captured this year either before or after treatment.

Lady Bay - Fleurieu Peninsula

Victor Harbour

Harts Mill - Port Adelaide

Victor Harbour

Kings Beach, Fleurieu Peninsula

Talk soon,




Mar 27, 2024

Great first blog post Keith :) Good to hear you are on a positive trajectory! Looking forward to reading more posts in the future. Regards, CathyC

Keith Broadbridge
Keith Broadbridge
Mar 27, 2024
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Thank you very much Cathy, appreciate you having a read 😊


Mar 27, 2024

Beautiful blog Keith

Keep up the great work xx

Keith Broadbridge
Keith Broadbridge
Mar 27, 2024
Replying to

Thank you very much 😊


Mar 26, 2024

Great first blog Keith - onwards and upwards from here. The talent is always there, sometimes it just needs a bit of a rest occasionally. Deb Curtis

Keith Broadbridge
Keith Broadbridge
Mar 26, 2024
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Thanks Deb, very much appreciated


Mar 26, 2024

Hey Keith

Thanks for your great blog and yes we are happy to read it.

I’m glad you found happiness in your photography again.


Keith Broadbridge
Keith Broadbridge
Mar 26, 2024
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Thanks mate, always appreciate your support x


Mar 26, 2024

Well done Keith, writing is another talent you can add to your list! Thanks for sharing part of the scary road, sorry I haven't been more support. I am really thrilled you pushed to find that spark again it's not easy but you did it! The roads not smooth ahead but be proud of how you've travelled it so far, & please know I'm very proud of you.

Love A. Sue xx

Keith Broadbridge
Keith Broadbridge
Mar 26, 2024
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Thank you Sue xxx


Keith Broadbridge Photography - Fine Art Prints & Portraits

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